
10 Support Groups That Will Change Your Life

A support system is a group or network of people that will provide you with different types of assistance you require to either accomplish a goal or offer guidance or some assistance through a challenging time.

How to Create a Support System is all about examining what your emotional, mental, spiritual and physical needs and wants are. One of the biggest attributes to self loving and self caring is to be honest with yourself. It is perfectly okay to seek help when you are stuck or have overwhelming emotions or needs.

Additionally, support groups are not only for when you need assistance, but are needed also when you are the one giving the help or advice. For a community to be prosperous, it goes both ways of giving and receiving. It is greatly rewarding to be the one who is giving a helping hand.

There are so many many advantages of seeking or being part of a support group, but before you subscribe or seek help, it may be best to fully understand what they specialize in and what kind of help you will get. One of the most challenging aspects when it comes to getting any help is getting the correct help that will assist you in resolving the root cause. 

When you take the time to investigate what is truly missing in life or better yet what we need to reach those goals, then the whole process of a support group becomes a much easier feat. The below activities can be used as a tool to help in managing and progressing towards the goal.


 Tools to Motivate You

There are so many advantages of being part of a support group. It has been said to many times that a problem shared is half solved and additionally two heads are better than one. The best way get the best from your support group is to be honest, authentic and intentional. The below are some of the important tools, support groups or networks to be part of your system


Master Your Emotions

A Practical Guide to Rewrite Your Story and Become the Person You Want to Be

  • How to start creating a pathway to your dream life
  • Five powerful models of reality that will transform your outlook on life and how to quickly apply life changing strategies
  • How to design an empowering environment that brings the best out of you and sustains your goals, a


Becoming Bullet Proof

This book is a MUST READ to anyone that is looking for self development. Our emotions play a vital part, as protective shield or a display of fear, either way, understanding your mental behavior is crucial

  • How we fear
  • Harnessing Fear
  • Be your own shift agent
  • The Secret Service Mindset
  • If You Might Fight, then Fight
  • Mental Armor and Mental Resilience



Learning to Love Yourself

You are beautifully and wonderfully made, just the way you are, never stop loving yourself

  • How to Love Yourself Abundantly 
  • How to Love Your Feelings 
  • How to Love Your Body 
  • How to Clear Your Mind 


Positive Attitude

This book to best deal, process and release negative thoughts

  • How to keep a positive mindset
  • How stop negative thinking the right way
  • How to increase success, health, happiness, and wealth
  • How to find the right way to solve problems and finding the right solution 



Self Care Bucket List

This little  gem has over 100 Self Love / Mindfulness Cards that will inspire you

  • Has Simple Self Care Activities 
  • Easy to Accomplish Tasks of  self love and self care
  • Gives You Fresh Ideas, self care tips and routines 
  • 3 categories to choose ideas from : Life, Love, and Laughter.


Personal Development

This book showcases and highlights the best ways to attract people and more importantly develop people skills 

  • How to change People
  • Six ways to make people like you
  • How to win people to your way of thinking
  • Inspirational personal development guide
  • Fundamental techniques in handling people
  • Provides an authoritative program for developing the basic and essential people skills


1. Support Group

Quote: a life traveled together is a healing one 

A support group provides an opportunity for people to share personal experiences and feelings, coping strategies, or firsthand information about diseases or treatments. This space is great for the above needs and can certainly be a great addition to your well being. A support group can be for a short time and or focused on a particular goal, whether its getting past failure or seeking clarity, this is a great way to start.

  • Action: research the support group in your area that will help you towards your goal


.2. Therapy 

Quote: your emotions tend to speak louder than your words

Therapy helps with  building self-esteem, reduces anxiety, strengthens coping mechanisms, and improves social and community functioning. There is nothing better than soothing than sharing your emotions in a safe environment.. We all need help and should not be ashamed of it. Sometimes going through life situations can be traumatic or self imposed trauma. It is perfectly okay to seek help and heal emotionally.

  • Action: the best way to get the most out of therapy is to show up and do the work, as with everything you need to very intentional


3. Life Coach

Life Coach Quote:  a life coach only enhances your focus

A Life Coach helps you with improving relationships, careers, and day-to-day lives. Life coaches can help you clarify your goals, identify the obstacles holding you back, and then come up with strategies for overcoming each obstacle.

The best way to start this process is to examine where you are in life and where you want to head. If your goals are not matching, then take the next step and adjust your focus. A life coach only helps you to adjust your focus, but the ultimate force is your action.

  • Action: the best way to achieve this phase, like with anything else is to show up and do the work. Set your goals and get to work


4. Counseling

Quote: great advice shared, can truly change your life

Counseling is a collaborative effort between the counselor and client. Professional counselors help clients identify goals and potential solutions to problems which cause emotional turmoil; seek to improve communication and coping skills; strengthen self-esteem; and promote behavior change and optimal mental health.

There are different ways to improve your life and for some people counseling is the best way to inch closer to your goals.  Discovering your emotional status and what you need to improve, will certainly help your counseling sessions. Sometimes the biggest obstacles are emotions, the more you aim to fix them, the better your outcome will be.

  • Action: like with the above options, there is nothing that beats you showing and doing the work. Additionally, keep a journal and list what your success or struggles were.


5. Mentor

Mentorship Quotes: a great teacher can open great doors 

A mentor is someone who shares with a mentee information about their career path or success journey, as well as provide guidance, motivation, emotional support, and role modeling. A mentor may help with exploring careers, setting goals, developing contacts, and identifying resources.

Find a mentor that is invested in your success. Go beyond the call of duty and immerse yourself into creating a plan to achieve your desired success. The best part about success is that it certainly leaves some crumbs, learn, improve and master. Your best success tip is to keep yourself highly motivated, as sometimes earning success can be truly challenging

  • Action: create your goals and daily habits that will support you towards your goals. There is nothing that comes into fruition, without hard work


6. Mastermind Group

Mastermind Group Quotes: great minds think alike

A mastermind group is a peer-to-peer mentoring group used to help members solve their problems with input and advice from the other group members. The concept was coined in 1925 by author Napoleon Hill in his book The Law of Success.

A mastermind group is when you have a member of a group that shares the same goal or pursuing the same business venture. This is one of the greatest groups to be part of, mainly because the issues that you will face in pursuant to that goal, can be answered in that group. One of the best ways to benefit from a mastermind group, is to set yourself up for success, by creating the best process to achieve results fast.

  • Action: research and get into the best mastermind group. Secondly, take the time to go over their library of information and understand their process to success.


7. Social Circle 

Social Circle Quote: become the friend to others, that you expect in return

This may be the one that is influential, as it has been said many times that birds of the same feathers flock together. It may be a great trait to learn how to pick a great social circle that truly adds value to your life,  and you are adding value to them. Most of our influence comes from people that we spent the most time with. Not every acquaintance should have access to your life or have the privilege to offer advice. The best social circle is one that has great attributes that will build you up whether be it achieving a happier life or achieving success faster.

  • Action: study people traits and how they treat you, especially their actions will be much louder than words


8. Exercise Group

Quote: an active body nurtures a healthy mind

This is not only important to your health but  to your overall mindset and general well-being. Keeping an active lifestyle does truly help in boosting your immune. There are different types of ways to implement exercises into your daily routines from going to a gym, running or simply taking long walks. The best way to be consistent.

One of our favorite ways to implement this method, is to have fun while at it. There are so many sport clubs or teams, such as tennis, soccer, or volleyball. The best way to incorporate activity is to play your favorite sport.

  • Action: search for sport teams in your area, or community centers


9. Spiritual 

Quote: spirituality has the power to change our mindset and course of life

There are many different ways to participate and or grow your spirituality. Spirituality tends to seek for a meaningful connection with something bigger than yourself. This has many benefits such as finding peace, strength, stress relief and much more.

Spirituality growth and mindful habits is not only found in religion but in different forms. It can be anything that allows you to grow or creates an environment where you can practice, focus or learn more. Some people tend to enjoy meditation or deep focus activities.

  • Action: find out what works for you, and journal how being spiritual improves your life


10. Family

Family Quote: even with family people treat you, the way you teach them to

We do not have the option of choosing the family we are born into, and we have very few relationships that we actually choose to be a family with. Even though you do not have a choice who you are born from, you do have the ultimate choice on how you get treated. 

Relationships should be respectful. Establishing exactly what and how you like to be treated in all and any relationship, will truly empower and free you. Especially with family members, it is important to love and appreciate them, but also you can teach them how to treat and respect you.

  • Action: take the time to establish what kind of relationship you wish to have, and follow through with honesty and love.


The main reason of the post is to showcase the different types of social groups that will be able to help you overcome or encourage to get past any types of road blocks we face. The best way is to research which type of group works best for you, then commit yourself to the assistance and advice given. One of the best form of love is self love, and the most rewarding type of investment in investing in yourself.

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